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2012-07-17 10:58:18   来源:TechWeb   评论:0 点击:


  Chrome Web Store

Chrome Web Store from blogoscoped.com


  * Google Adsense——浮动利率,但这主要取决于游戏页面的内容。尝试插入HTML5相关的关键字,因为不少公司在HTML5相关的广告上投入更多资金。你多半会看到许多“Ludei HTML5”和“CocoonJS”广告。利用这一渠道,确保其中若干广告支出最终流入你的囊中。

  * Ad4Game——这一网络呈现纯粹的游戏广告。你将推广其他来自大型游戏工作室的作品。eCPM(游戏邦注:千人印象成本)约是1.50 – 2.00美元,他们进行及时的NET30 Paypal付款。联系Angelica,告诉她你的作品搭载Chrome Web Store,她会非常乐于协助你。

  若你有足够的勇气,不妨尝试谷歌的In-App Payments API。了解相关情况需要1个小时,整合游戏则需要若干小时。这里假设你的游戏能够顺利搭载内容付费模式。

  在Web Store,获得推荐至关重要。


  若你展现公司工程师所创建的内容,谷歌将非常高兴。若你希望自己的游戏获得推荐,记得整合若干谷歌API:WebGL、Chrome Fullscreen和Web Audio等。你显然无法植入所有功能,但融入其中些许功能能够让你超越其他游戏开发者。只要你准备就绪,不妨向谷歌开发拥护者推广可玩作品。



  通过具体包装引擎(游戏邦注:如appMobi、Ludei’s CocoonJS、 GameClosure和Spaceport)展开你的游戏。



  在发行游戏前,记住你只有一次试验机会。如果你的游戏在App Store以失败收尾,你也许可以通过免费日促销/价格调控进行挽救。但你通过促销活动获得的下载高峰水平不会持续存在。你的游戏将淹没于每日新发行的1000款游戏之中。找出自己的细分市场,通过TouchArcade之类的开发者论坛进行合理营销。不要忘记通过Kotaku之类的博客进行宣传,他们欣赏精彩的推广内容。


  * appMobi就游戏开发工具包索取99美元。

  * Spaceport就你的收益分成10%。

  * CocoonJS和GameClosure无需付费,但你需要亲自联系这些公司。

  * 学习如何运用工具及同游戏进行结合所耗费的时间。

  * iOS开发账号每年的费用是99美元。

  * Google Play账号每年的费用是25美元。



  广告和虚拟商品(Facebook Credits)在此效果显著。注意,Facebook不允许运行谷歌广告,所以你需要寻找其他诸如Ad4Game之类的游戏广告合作伙伴。

  另一建议:不是所有HTML5游戏都能够在Facebook顺利运作,因为他们的用户依然有一定比例人数采用陈旧浏览器。该怎么办?最佳办法就是委婉要求他们下载和使用Chrome,或是Google Chrome Frame插件。


  * 服务器托管费用

  * Facebook API的整合时间

  Mac App Store

Mac App Store from popsci.com

  这不像iOS App Store那样受欢迎,但依然值得进行尝试。此平台最早的一款HTML5游戏是《Onslaught Arena》。


  谷歌在选择合作伙伴方面有些吹毛求疵(游戏邦注:主要是为了维持用户体验)。你需要具备一定名气及持有热门作品(《Triple Town》就是其中典型)。

  Intel App Up Store


  Pokki Store

Pokki Store from vikitech.com


  Mozilla App Marketplace

  这将于2012年第3季度发行。Firefox有约25-28%的浏览器市场。从理论上来说,将你的游戏置于此处将能够带来和Chrome Web Store平台相当的收益水平。Mozilla制定较大计划,尤其是在移动平台。查看这是否有效配合App Marketplace将是个有趣过程。




  * 向一位发行商高价出售地区销售权(1500-2000美元以上的费用)

  * 向若干发行商以500美元以上费用出售非专属权限

  * 向发行商出售地区销售权,从所有广告/虚拟商品收益中分成60-80%



  * 针对移动网络优化游戏的时间

  * 将游戏同发行商API进行整合所耗费的时间(必要情况下)


  * 我的初创公司marketJS将HTML5游戏开发者同发行商联系起来。我们不收取任何费用,而且手头有很多发行商急切渴望获得游戏作品。上传游戏,然后开始协商!






  Making money with HTML5 games

  by Ben Chong

  It’s been 6 months since the last guide about monetization was written. Considering how fast things are moving with HTML5 games, it’s timely to write a new one. Please note, this guide chooses the path of least resistance to the money.

  Chrome Web Store

  Probably the easiest to begin with. Host your game, run ads on it. Two ad networks to trust are

  * Google Adsense – variable rates, but it depends a lot on what’s on your game page. Try inserting HTML5 related keywords, because companies are spending more money on HTML5-related ads. You’ve probably seen countless “Ludei HTML5 “ and “CocoonJS” ads. Capitalize on this, and make sure some of that ad spend trickles into your pocket.

  * Ad4Game – this network displays pure game ads. You’ll be promoting other games from large game studios. eCPMs of about $1.50 – 2.00, and they do very timely NET30 Paypal payments. Contact Angelica, tell her that your game’s on the Chrome Web Store. She’ll be delighted to set you up.

  If you’re feeling brave, try out Google’s In-App Payments API. It might take an hour to figure out and a few more to integrate with your game. That is, assuming that your game actually functions well with in-app purchases.

  Being featured matters a lot in the Web Store.

  A normal featured game fetches about 1000 plays/day. A game featured on the front page of the games section, right at the top gets about 60,000 plays/day, or 60x.

  Google loves it when you showcase what their engineers have built. If you want to get your game featured, remember to integrate some of Google’s APIs: WebGL, Chrome Fullscreen, Web Audio, etc. You can’t obviously integrate all of them, but having a few will give you a boost over other game devs. Once you’re ready, start pitching playable games to Google developer advocates. You can find them all here.

  Costs: your server hosting fees, integration time and pitching time

  iOS and Android

  Deploy your game using one of the many wrapper engines out there, like appMobi, Ludei’s CocoonJS, GameClosure and Spaceport.

  Ludei seems to be the only one publicly telling the world how great their engine is. They’ve got the entire monetization suite ( iAds and in-app purchases ), which is always a bonus for developers.

  The upside is, once you manage to successfully master one of the engines above, you get access to virtually 100% of the mobile app market. Whether people will actually download your game is an entirely different topic.

  Before launching your game, remember that you have only one shot at this. If your game flops in the App Store, you might be able to save it by doing free-app-a-day promotions/price manipulations. However, the download spikes you get from promotions do not last. Your game will be piled under 1000 new games being published each day. Find your niche, and market wisely via developer forums like TouchArcade. Don’t forget to pitch to blogs like Kotaku, they always enjoy a good story.


  * appMobi charges $99 for a game dev toolkit.

  * Spaceport takes 10% of anything you earn.

  * CocoonJS and GameClosure are free, but you need to personally contact the companies.

  * hours in learning how to use the tools and integrating with your game.

  * iOS dev account costs $99/year.

  * Google Play account costs $25/year.


  Facebook canvas games don’t get the attention they deserve, but they’re still wildly profitable if done right. The virality from game invites/activities are what you should be focusing on when designing a facebook game.

  Ads and virtual goods (Facebook Credits) work well here. Note that Facebook doesn’t allow google ads running, so you need to look for other game-focused ad partners like Ad4Game.

  Another caveat: not all HTML5 games will work perfectly on Facebook, because they still have a percentage of users that have older browsers. What to do? Your best bet is to politely ask them to download and use Chrome, or the Google Chrome Frame plugin.


  * server hosting fees

  * integration time with Facebook APIs

  Mac App Store

  Not as popular as the iOS App Store, but worth a shot. One of the earliest HTML5 games we noticed here was Onslaught Arena.

  Google+ Games

  Google is a bit picky when it comes to selecting partners, on grounds of maintaning the user experience. You need to have a reputation and a hit game to be considered ( think Triple Town ).

  Intel App Up Store

  Intel gives you access to the PC app market. No hard numbers on revenue, but they run a small fund to encourage developers.

  Pokki Store

  Pokki gives you access to the desktop games market. Wrap your game inside their SDK and deploy! We don’t have hard numbers of how well their games monetize. Last we know, they ran a HTML5 games contest which proved lucrative.

  Mozilla App Marketplace

  Should launch in late Q3 2012. Firefox has about 25-28% of the browser market. Putting your games here should theoretically produce similar revenue numbers to that of the Chrome Web Store. Mozilla has bigger plans ahead, particularly in mobile. Would be interesting to see if this ties in well with the App Marketplace.

  Sell distribution rights

  An increasing number of publishers are looking to pepper their own game portals with fresh HTML5 content.

  These publishers are looking to license games that run on the web and mobile ( yes, games that run on the mobile safari/android). There are a few ways you can capitalize on this:

  * sell exclusive rights for a high price ( $1500 – 2000+ ) to one publisher/

  * sell non exclusive rights for $500+, to multiple publishers.

  * sell distribution rights to publishers, and take 60-80% from all ad/virtual goods revenue generated

  You are free to negotiate any type of deal with publishers. Most developers prefer upfront payments, but if you think the publisher has impressive reach, doing a revenue split from ads/virtual goods might be a smart move. A top developer recently made 4 figures a month from google ads alone.


  * time to optimize your game for the mobile web.

  * time to integrate your game with the publisher’s APIs ( if required ).

  How do I find these publishers?

  * Our startup, marketJS connects HTML5 game developers with publishers. It’s free to use, and we’ve got a good database of publishers hungry for games. Upload a game, and start negotiating!

  So many choices

  There’s no single best option to monetize your games. Build a team, adopt a shotgun approach, analyze results and seek advice from other developers.

  Can I go full-time making HTML5 games?

  Yes, you can make a high 5 figures/year by making HTML5 games. This excludes development contracts and funded projects. Snag a few of those, and you might even hit 6 figures.

  Pick your battles, test each market, and keep polishing. The games industry is very competitive, but extremely fulfilling.(Source:gamasutra)

相关热词搜索:列举 HTML5 游戏


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